Lucy A. Vartanian

Lucy Vartanian counsels clients in a wide range of family law issues, including dissolution of marriage, parentage, custody and support. Having exclusively practiced family law throughout her legal career, Lucy develops effective legal strategies with her clients’ best interests at the center. A fierce advocate for her clients, Lucy maintains a sensible approach and rational demeanor which lead to favorable outcomes for her clients.
Beyond advising on legal matters, Lucy fills a valuable role as a trusted listener for her clients who may find discussing personal events with friends and family difficult. Lucy first developed her interest in family law as a result of her positive classroom experience with leading family court judicial officers in Los Angeles County. The course revealed the personal and psychological aspects of being a family law attorney, which Lucy found deeply impactful and fulfilling.

“I take great pride in serving a dual role for my clients as both a legal advisor and confidante, both of which are critical to facilitating the client’s healing and the optimal restructuring of their post-divorce life.”